Why You Should Stop Spying Into Your Lover’s Phone.

How did you become the FBI all of a sudden?

Our mobile phones are now a part of our daily lives…that small piece of hardware does a lot of shit.
You wanna call, browse, text, play and catch some fun, it will do all that for you.
Only problem is that it leaves track of the recent activities like call history, recent app list and the dreaded browser and chat history. That is where a large percent of relationships breakup starts from.
Love is a sweet thing. It is even sweeter if you know that your lover sees you as the most beautiful/handsome person in the world. Ahhh…News Flash !!!…You are not the only beautiful human God created, there are others too.

You might be engaged or far into the relationship but remember you sweetheart probably had a boo before you and the same might be the case for you. Other people might be attracted also even while the “love of your life” profess their undying love for you. Your lover is with you right now that’s all that matters . He/She isn’t anywhere else but right there with you in the relationship. Why? Because there is something still holding you both together. The big question is: Why look for something that will only destroy the relationship?
Your sweetheart drops the phone and leaves the room and GBAM!!! The James Bond in you pops up. You head straight to your lover’s Message Inbox, Whatsapp chats and scan through the contacts for a potential rival and quickly  go through the browser history.

Feels GOOOOOOD right?
What do gold miners seeks when they dig the earth? Gold right?
Ok, What do “trouble miners” seek when they poke nose into other people’s private lives? Milk?
No. Its trouble my dear.

Ok James bond, You have gone through the phone and you see a few female contacts, some suspicious Whatsapp chat and some porn site history. You have found what you seek. The question now is What’s Next? Confrontation? You might as well kiss the relationship good bye. Silent treatment? Oh please give me a break.

You asked for it. Deal with it.
It is so exhausting doing the work of the police without payment. The only payment you get is grief upon grief. We understand that you need to know who you are rolling with but at the same time you cannot just go around spying and stirring up dirt in the air.

Do us a favour?  Try the conversation trick.
You will be amazed at the results. If you suspect your lover is acting weird or is gradually becoming uninterested in you, fix a date that will be convenient for you both and make sure it is at  very Very  VERY rommmantic place. When the day comes, make sure you look irresistible, then maybe during the wine drinking ask your lover how he/she is doing generally, you know work and all. That alone will give you a head start in the convo .Be the Loving conservationist not an interrogator. Constantly remind your lover at intervals that you love em. There will be a feedback We assure you. You could tell if the response to the “I love you” is real , forced, out of pity or just fake. Look out for facial expressions and those eyes which can definitely not tell lies. From then on you will know if there is something wrong.

It seem basic and simple but it works a lot.

It’s the 21st Century. We don’t need to keep making the same mistake all over again.
Why You Should Stop Spying Into Your Lover’s Phone. Why You Should Stop Spying Into Your Lover’s Phone. Reviewed by blogger on August 11, 2016 Rating: 5

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