Between GEJ & PMB, I’d still vote PMB in a heart beat – Noble Igwe |360nobs|

Noble Igwe has joined the list of celebs making his voice heard about the state of the economy and his thoughts on thePresident Buhari administration.
eLDee recently said he would also vote for PMB again, despite how hard things seem right now – click here if you missed it.
Noble also shared that sentiment, saying people forget how active Boko Haram was in the last administration, among other issues. See his thoughts shared in a series of tweets below –
Between GEJ & PMB, I’d still vote PMB in a heart beat – Noble Igwe |360nobs| Between GEJ & PMB, I’d still vote PMB in a heart beat – Noble Igwe |360nobs| Reviewed by blogger on August 12, 2016 Rating: 5

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